Rota Nanny Jobs in Dubai Visa Sponsorship

Rota Nanny Jobs in Dubai

Do you enjoy taking care of young people and are you looking for a great job opportunity in one of the world’s fastest-growing areas? Don’t look any further. With the Houses of Elite in Dubai, we’re happy to offer a one-of-a-kind opportunity for families who want to hire trained and trustworthy maids. Utilizing our all-inclusive visa sponsorship program, you can add a taste of job fulfillment to your international experience while also becoming a part of the UAE culture’s colorful mosaic. No matter how experienced you are as a worker or as someone who is just starting out in childcare, Dubai is the best place to grow professionally and personally.

Details of Rota Nanny Jobs in Dubai Visa Sponsorship

  • City: Dubai
  • Job title: Rota Nanny
  • Experience: A few years
  • Accommodation: Yes
  • Age: Above 23


Higher Remuneration:

  • Overview: Because they have more freedom with their plans and have to be on call all the time, remote nannies often make more money. This pay represents the high level of responsibility and the ease of life it brings to families.


  • Overview: A lot of families give their nannies a place to stay as part of their pay. This could be anything from a different room to a whole new place to live, which would save the nanny money on living costs.

Travel Opportunities:

  • Overview: People who work as rota maids might get to travel with their families and see new places and countries. This part of the job gives me the chance to see and learn about new places and cultures, which makes my personal and work life better.

Cultural Exposure:

  • Overview: Nannies get to know people from a wide range of cultural groups because they work in a variety of settings. It can be educational and help people learn more about other countries and ways of life.

Educational Opportunities:

  • Overview: Some families give their children access to learning tools like language classes, training in child care, and first aid for kids. Putting money into professional development can help you get better skills and advance your job.

Community Building:

  • Overview: In places like Dubai, parents can make a lot of connections with people who live abroad. This network can help you make friends, find work, and feel like you fit.

Tax Benefits:

  • Overview: Since wages are not taxed in Dubai, nannies can keep all of their money without having to pay taxes on it. When compared to countries with income tax, this can lead to a better net income.


Relevant Experience:

  • Experience with Children: For the kids you will be caring for, it’s very helpful to have worked with kids their own age before. So, you can be sure that you know exactly what the kids need and how they act as they grow up.

Educational Background:

  • Formal Training: Different jobs have different training requirements, but it helps to have experience in childcare, preschool education, or a related area. This includes going to school for child development or a related field.


  • CPR and First Aid: Having certifications in first aid and CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is often necessary or very helpful. With these certificates, you can show that you can handle emergencies and give basic care.

Language Skills:

  • English Fluency: English skills are very important, especially in Dubai, where a lot of expats speak English as their first language. To talk to both the kids and their families, you need to be able to communicate clearly in English.

Legal Residency:

  • UAE Residence Status: Nannies must be able to legally live in the United Arab Emirates. As needed by UAE law, this usually means getting a work visa or a residence permit.

Background Check:

  • Family Probe: Often, candidates have to go through a background check that is done by their family. This includes checking the person’s identity, work experience, and criminal record to make sure they are safe and suitable.

Read Also: Social Media Coordinator Jobs in Dubai – Sponsorship


Providing Care and Safety:

  • Overview: Provide a safe and caring setting for the children to make sure they are safe and well-cared for. This means keeping an eye on what they’re doing, planning their days, and taking care of any wants or concerns they may have.

Engaging in Age-Appropriate Activities:

  • Overview: Spend valuable time with the kids by doing things that are fun and appropriate for their age. Some examples of this are doing projects, playing games, doing physical activities, and going on trips.

Assisting with Schoolwork and Extracurriculars:

  • Overview: Give kids advice and help as they work on their school projects and chores. Encourage people to take part in events outside of school, and make sure they are easy to find and well-prepared.

Meal Planning and Preparation:

  • Overview: Make plans for, cook, and serve the kids’ meals, taking into account any food allergies or tastes. Eat meals that are healthy and well-balanced.

Personal Hygiene and Grooming:

  • Overview: Help kids with personal care tasks like shaving, bathing, and getting dressed when they need it. Make sure that kids take care of their health.

Maintaining Cleanliness and Sanitation:

  • Overview: Pay close attention to how clean and healthy the kids’ living areas are. As part of this, play areas, bedrooms, and bathrooms must be kept clean and cleanliness standards must be met.

Light Domestic Duties:

  • Overview: Do light housework chores that have to do with the kids’ areas, like cleaning up their rooms, putting away their toys, and doing laundry for their clothes and bedding.

Types of Jobs

24/7 Rota Nanny:

  • As part of a rotating plan with another nanny, this person provides live-in care for up to 24 hours a day.
  • Typical tasks include providing care around the clock, including help at night, with shifts being shared between several nannies.

Educational Rota Nanny:

  • Role: Their main job is to give kids things that help them learn and grow.
  • Typical Tasks: Helps kids with schoolwork and gets them involved in learning games and activities.

Multilingual Rota Nanny:

  • Role: Addresses language barriers in households with diverse linguistic backgrounds.
  • Typical Tasks: Communicates in multiple languages, teaches language skills, and ensures smooth communication within the family.

Travel Rota Nanny:

  • Role: Accompanies the family on trips and provides care while traveling.
  • Typical Tasks: Manages children’s needs during travel, including adjusting to new environments and routines.

Special Needs Rota Nanny:

  • Role: Provides specialized care for children with special needs, utilizing relevant experience and training.
  • Typical Tasks: Tailors care and activities to the child’s specific needs, including therapy support and customized learning approaches.

Household Management Rota Nanny:

  • Role: Involved in managing household tasks in addition to childcare.
  • Typical Tasks: Handles domestic duties such as cooking, cleaning, and organizing the children’s areas.

Newborn Rota Nanny:

  • Role: Specializes in care for newborns from birth.
  • Typical Tasks: Provides around-the-clock care for infants, including feeding, diapering, and sleep routines.

Governess Rota Nanny:

  • Role: Offers advanced education and tutoring services beyond standard childcare.
  • Typical Tasks: Provides academic instruction, tutoring, and educational support tailored to the children’s needs.

Cultural Rota Nanny:

  • Role: Facilitates cultural education and appreciation among children from various cultural backgrounds.
  • Typical Tasks: Organize activities that promote cultural understanding, teach about different traditions, and incorporate language lessons.

Emergency Rota Nanny:

  • Role: Helps with child care right away in unplanned or emergency scenarios.
  • Typical Duties: Fills in quickly to care for kids when something comes up or is an emergency.

What is the salary for a rota nanny in Dubai?

In Dubai, a rota babysitter makes AED2,000 a month.

How to Apply?

More Info


A Rota Nanny job in Dubai is a one-of-a-kind and rewarding chance for people who love working with kids and want to experience a lively cultural setting. With competitive perks like housing, travel opportunities, and income that isn’t taxed, these jobs help you grow as a person and as a professional. Whether you’re a seasoned childcare worker or just starting out, Dubai is a great place to move up in your field because it is so diverse and always changing. If you know what the tasks, responsibilities, and requirements are, you can make an informed choice and move forward on your path to becoming a Rota Nanny.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Rota Nanny?

    As the name suggests, a Rota Nanny works with other nannies on a rotating plan to care for children. This job requires care around the clock, even at night, and can include a range of skills, such as helping with schoolwork or travel.

  • What types of Rota Nanny positions are available?

    Types include 24/7 Rota Nanny, Educational Rota Nanny, Multilingual Rota Nanny, Travel Rota Nanny, Special Needs Rota Nanny, Household Management Rota Nanny, Newborn Rota Nanny, Governess Rota Nanny, Cultural Rota Nanny, and Emergency Rota Nanny.

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